Our global network of testing facilities, staffed by knowledgeable & experienced personnel, enable you to reduce risks, shorten time to market and test the quality, safety and performance of your products against relevant health, safety and regulatory standards
Our comprehensive range of world-leading inspection & verification services, such as checking the condition & weight of traded goods at trans-shipment, help you to control quantity & quality, and meet all relevant regulatory requirements across different regions & markets
We enable you to demonstrate that your products, processes, systems or services are compliant with either national or international standards and regulations or customer defined standards, through certification.
Field Inspections are carried out by trained professionals according to API, ASTM, IP & other recommended guidelines. Inspection results are communicated in real time to clients, enabling them to react quickly to potential problems and avoid costly claims and delays.
To protect client’s interest and ensure proper commercial relationship during the critical stage of transfer of ownership, Global Spec Marine Inspection Services OGC offers reliable, efficient and professional Inspection and testing services.